Thursday, March 27, 2025

What's happening in Franklin, MA: Thursday, March 27, 2025 ???

For additional details on Library & Senior Center events ->,24&showPastEvents=false
For additional details on Library & Senior Center events ->,24&showPastEvents=false
Thursday, March 27

* "Look Up" Gallery (Franklin Public Library during open hours)

5pm Board Game Night (Pete's Nerd Emporium)

7pm Jennifer Tefft (live music) (Start Line Brewing Co, Hopkinton)

**  Town Meetings today   **

Zoning Board of Appeals, ZBA Meeting

Thursday, March 27th  Time: 7:30 PM 


Why are there multiple calendars?
What's happening today in Franklin?
What's happening today in Franklin? 
Respectfully, the Library and Senior Center calendars are too full of events to include all their events so we tend to focus on the major events. Town and School meetings are also kept separate. Links for all the calendars are shared here:

Find the full Community event calendar

If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:

Franklin Garden Club Presents Program on House Plants - April 1

The Franklin Garden Club will present a program on “What’s Wrong with My Houseplant” on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at the Franklin Senior Center, 10 Daniel McCahill Street, from 6:30– 8:30 PM.    An informal social get-together will take place from 6:30– 7:00 PM followed by the program, which is open to the public at no charge.The speaker will be Massachusetts Master Gardener Bonnie Power.

Franklin Garden Club
Franklin Garden Club
As with our outdoor gardens, many things can go wrong when you grow plants indoors. Learn the factors that make for happy houseplants, including light, water, and soil and how to provide them. Common houseplant pests and diseases, as well as how to treat them, will also be discussed.

Power, a serious outdoor/indoor gardener, has many horticultural interests and areas of expertise. She holds both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in zoology, which informs her perspective on the management of garden and plant insects and pests. She is a member of the MGA Soil pH Testing team and also volunteer guide at Garden in the Woods, a Native Plant Trust botanical garden in Framingham. 

Franklin Historical Museum: The Joy of 12-Tone Music - Sunday, March 30

Beyond Do, Re, Mi -  We Will `Scale New Heights’ of Musical Appreciation with TWO Franklin Music Educators as we discover…

The Joy of 12-Tone Music

Our March "Music at the Museum" program has been rescheduled to March 30. The program offers a deep (but accessible!) dive into 12-tone or serial composition -- a very influential aspect of "modern" music that emerged in Vienna about a century ago and was widely championed by composer Arnold Schoenberg.  Over time, the technique increased greatly in popularity and eventually became widely influential on Mid 20th-century and later composers.

The Joy of 12-Tone Music - March 30
The Joy of 12-Tone Music - March 30
The "joy" of 12-tone music, or dodecaphony, lies in its unique and challenging approach to musical structure, where all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are treated as equally important, leading to a potentially more complex soundscape. Learning about 12-tone music (also known as 12-tone technique or serialism) can offer a new perspective on how music can be organized and can help you develop your creativity across different musical languages as well as your appreciation of modern pop and classical music where 12-tone has been influential.

Using all 12 notes of the chromatic scale equally, avoids the traditional emphasis on a "home" key or tonal center.  Our guides are Franklin native, Randy LaRosa, a multi-instrumentalist who has played with many of the greats – even including Duke Ellington-- and took classes with 12-tone pioneer Karlheinz Stockhausen. He will be joined by Jon Mitchell, a composer (including the Franklin-premiered Opera, Mary Anning: Fossilel Hunter) and retired conductor. Come to be amazed and entertained at this free event at the Franklin Historical Museum, on Sunday, March 30.  

The Museum is open 1-4, program starts at 1:15. 

Use of Opioid Settlement Funds to bring Art Pharmacy to Franklin "another first of many" (video)

The Art Pharmacy Community Conversation was held at THE BLACK BOX on March 5, 2025. Cory Shea, Director of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy opened the event with 3 panelists who made brief presentations and then participated in a Q&A session.


  • Michael Bobbitt, Mass Cultural Council

  • Emily Devlin, Art Pharmacy

  • Amy Friguiletti, Deputy Town Administrator

The audio version (minus the Q&A section) can also be found online here ->

Use of Opioid Settlement Funds to bring Art Pharmacy to Franklin "another first of many"
Use of Opioid Settlement Funds to bring Art Pharmacy to Franklin "another first of many"

The Party for the Pantry: online silent auction is still open

While tickets for The Party for the Pantry are SOLD OUT, the online silent auction is still open!
The Party for the Pantry:  online silent auction is still open
The Party for the Pantry:  online silent auction is still open

Anyone can bid on amazing prizes which have been generously donated from our community! 

All proceeds benefit The Pantry so bid, bid, bid! The silent auction promptly ends at 9:15 PM on March 29, 2025, during Party for The Pantry - so make sure you check back early and often!

Click here to start bidding,

Find out more about the silent auction and the travel auction in this episode

Help yourself with a Spin Class and Help the Jefferson PCC fund raising efforts on March 30

Folks still need to sign up. If not enough do so ahead of time, the class will be cancelled

Help yourself with a Spin Class and Help the Jefferson PCC fund raising efforts on March 30
Help Jefferson PCC fund raising on Mar 30

Sign up for a 45 minute ride with a short reception to follow on Sunday, March 30 at Cyclebar Milford. $40/rider.  

All proceeds benefit the Jefferson Elementary PCC.

Registration opened March 16 ->

FHS students cancer fund raising at The Shed - Apr 1

FHS students cancer fund raising at The Shed - Apr 1

Shared from -> 

Open Mic Night; Music & Spoken Word at Brichwood Bakery April 10

4/10 6:30-8:30pm (6:15pm sign up)

Open Mic Night; Music & Spoken Word at Brichwood Bakery April 10
Brichwood Bakery April 10


Contact JESSI.FANUELE @GMAIL.COM @jessijmusic for details

For Franklin and Bellingham residents: Animal Control schedules rabies clinic for April 12

For Franklin and Bellingham residents: rabies clinic - April 12
Animal Control schedules rabies clinic for April 12
"Franklin and Bellingham residents can bring their pets to the Bellingham DPW for a rabies vaccination! The fee is $20. 

▪️ If you do not have paperwork regarding your pet’s rabies vaccination history, your pet is eligible for a 1-year vaccination.
▪️ If you have up to date paperwork, your pet is eligible for a 3-year vaccination.
▪️ All cats MUST be brought in a carrier; all dogs MUST be on a leash."

Getting the word out about FTC imposter scams

Consumer Alerts from the Federal Trade Commission

By BCP Staff

Using old tactics and new twists, scammers are impersonating government agencies, including the FTC, to try to steal people's personal information and money. 

The FTC is committed to combatting these imposter scams, and there's encouraging news these efforts are making a difference to American consumers.


Getting the word out about FTC imposter scams
Getting the word out about FTC imposter scams

Franklin Public Radio schedule for Thursday, March 27, 2025

Yes, Franklin has it's own radio station -> wfpr.fmFranklin Public Radio has a brand new schedule for the locally produced shows that fill our air waves. 

It ia available anywhere, anytime at or in the local Franklin, MA area at 102.9 on the FM dial.

Tune in to listen to the following:

Franklin Public Radio schedule for Thursday, March 27, 2025
Franklin Public Radio schedule for Thursday, March 27, 2025

8:00 AM, 1:00 PM, and 6:00 PM Franklin Matters Radio – Steve Sherlock
Franklin and its local government, services and events 

9:00 AM, 2:00 PM, and 7:00 PM - first hour
10:00 AM, 3:00 PM, and 8:00 PM - second hour

Turntable – "Enjoy a fun experience with co-hosts The Vibe and Pauly G sharing personal discussions about a featured rock n roll vinyl record (1st hour) and the best, all music Vibe Playlist (2nd hour)"  

The Turntable Show this week features Prince and the Revolution's "Purple Rain" album released June 25, 1984.  Purple Rain has sold over 25 million copies and is widely considered one of the best rock albums released during the 1980's.   The album includes major hits:  "When Doves Cry"
, "Let's Go Crazy",  "Purple Rain", and "I Would Die 4 U"

The Vibe Playlist hour delivers top Prince and the Revolution hits from Live recordings to experience the real passion and energy from this unique and talented artist.

Get this week's program guide for Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( online   

Watch Listen Read all things that matter in Franklin MA
Watch Listen Read all things that matter in Franklin MA

Franklin TV schedule for Thursday, March 27, 2025

  • Franklin All Access TV - Our Public Access Channel (Comcast 6, Verizon 26) = Thursday

7:30 am Veterans' Call: Tune It Out
10:30 am SAFE Coalition: Youth Sports
11:30 am Cooking Thyme: Spring
12:00 pm Brook'n'Cookin: Meatballs
12:30 pm Cooking with Linda: Meatballs
1:30 pm Pizzapalooza: Meat-Lovers Pt. 2
2:00 pm New England Candlepins: Summer 2019 Show 3
3:00 pm Riffin' on Main Street: Tom Mercer
4:00 pm Winning Ways with the MIAA: Referee Shortage Pt1
5:00 pm Community Conversation: Art Pharmacy
6:30 pm Sons & Daughters of Italy: Italian Cookies
7:00 pm Care For Ukraine
9:00 pm Franklin Art Association: Christine West

  • Franklin Pride TV - Our Educational Channel        (Comcast 8, Verizon 28) = Thursday

7:00 am Lifelong Music: Strings School 01-22-25
8:30 am Cultural Council: BT ALC Big Band
10:00 am Rec Basketball: 6th - 8th Grade Girls Championship 2025
11:02 am Rec Basketball: 5th & 6th Grade Boys Championship 2025
12:16 pm Rec Basketball: 7th & 8th Grade Boys Championship 2025
2:00 pm FHSTC - Flowers for Algernon
4:00 pm FHS Boys Varsity Hockey v Attleboro 02-05-25
5:30 pm Winning Ways with the MIAA: Referee Shortage Pt1
6:30 pm FHS Girls Varsity Hockey v Stoughton 12-18-24
9:00 pm Critical Conversations: Student Wellbeing

  • Franklin Town Hall TV - Our Government Channel (Comcast 9, Verizon 29) = Thursday

8:00 am Conservation Commission 03-20-25
2:00 pm Conservation Commission 03-20-25
7:30 pm Zoning Board of Appeals  CHAMBERS  975 5249 0954

Get this week's program guide for Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( online   

Watch Listen Read all things that matter in Franklin MA
Watch Listen Read all things that matter in Franklin MA

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

What's happening in Franklin, MA: Wednesday, March 26, 2025 ???

For additional details on Library & Senior Center events ->,24&showPastEvents=false
For additional details on Library & Senior Center events ->,24&showPastEvents=false
Wednesday, March 26

* "Look Up" Gallery (Franklin Public Library during open hours)

1pm Scribblers Writing Group (recording session) (Franklin Senior Center) 
6pm All Town MICCA Showcase Concert (Bands) (Franklin High School)
7pm Evaluating Your College Financial Aid Offers (Dean College)

** NO  Town Meetings today   **


Why are there multiple calendars?
What's happening today in Franklin?
What's happening today in Franklin? 
Respectfully, the Library and Senior Center calendars are too full of events to include all their events so we tend to focus on the major events. Town and School meetings are also kept separate. Links for all the calendars are shared here:

Find the full Community event calendar

If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:

The Library calendar of events ->    calendar link
The Senior Center calendar of events ->

School Committee recognizes Boys Basketball & Cheerleaders; hears of High School & Middle School updates (video)

The School Committee met as scheduled Tuesday, March 25, 2025 in the Council Chambers. 6 of the 7 members were present in Chambers, one participated remotely (Gallagher). All votes were recorded via roll call.

Franklin TV video for replay ->

Documents released for this agenda after the meeting can be found ->

Quick recap:
  • During the Superintendent's Report recognition was made of the Boys Basketball team for their first State D1 Championship. Recognition also made of the Cheerleaders with their National Championship muliple years doing so
  • One team is still in competition, that is the FHS Theatre Co is scheduled to perform in the finals on Friday, with results known on Saturday evening. Tickets available via the website
  • France, England & Scotland Field Trip - Nikki Hafele - an EF Tour proposed for 2026, approved via roll call by 7-0 vote
  • Franklin High School Update - Dr. Weber, H McVay - an update on the course selection process and student choices within that, discussion also around budget and range of offerings as well as the trend of choices seems to be changing
  • Middle School Reorganization Update - Mr. Williams; Evolution of the master schedule, mention of the must haves, can haves and nice to haves...
    • A unique year to do a middle school experience for all three grades, but thereafter would be for the incoming new 6th grade as they get welcomed from the future 2 elementary sending schools
  • Policy - 1st Read & Elimination - I recommend moving the following policies to a second reading: ACA - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex Elimination: ACA-R - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex Under Title IX Including Sex-Based Harassment; Motion to move to second, passes via roll call 7-0
  • Motion to enter Executive Session not to return to public session, passes 7-0 via roll call

FHS boys basketball State D1 Champs pose with School Committee
FHS boys basketball State D1 Champs pose with School Committee

FHS cheerleaders multiple times National Champs pose with School Committee
FHS cheerleaders multiple times National Champs pose with School Committee