Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Live reporting - closing comments

Cafasso - a good first step on the high school (as reported) to get the renovations on the State listing.

Armenio - thank you to the parents on the All Night Party committee, they did a wonderful job.

Sabolinski - the Class of 1959 was a great thing to do, Pandora Carlucci did a nice job welcoming the group. That group was a lot of fun.

Pat Slight- big thank you to all involved! The School Committee doesn't get the recognition that they deserve. It is with great pride to say that I graduated from Franklin High.

Brittany MacLeod - The teachers, even in the hard times, the passion they have, Patrick said a lot of what I would like to say.

Roy - about a half million dollars were given out at the awards night. Ms Ohearn an 8th grade teacher had the students write a letter to themselves that she held and sent to them just before their graduation. The students in some cases had forgetten that they had written the letter.

motion to adjourn

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