Monday, February 8, 2010

Finance Committee - 2/02/10 - part 2

Deputy Chief Steve Semergian, Kevin Ryan - Police Dept

Requesting to replace 5 cars from 2006. Replacing some desktops and laptops that are ready. There are also printers to be replaced that are getting hard to fix and get parts for. While the cruises are being replaced, the cars go to the garage and would be re-used within the Town.

Question on Police request for computers why are they not part of the overall Town Technology budget listing?
Nutting - Good question, I hadn't thought of it that way. They do have some special needs and requirements. Everything does go through Tim anyway. Everything is purchased off the State bid list, every copier is off the same manufacturer to ensure we have standard pricing and replacements available.

The pricing includes the special police software, the hardware pricing would be the same as the Schools.

Police cruisers have engine hours calculated to account for rolling miles and time just running and sitting.

Chief Gary McCarraher, Fire Dept.
Per Nutting, there is an Engine replacement requested but we have put that off at this time. Some of these requests, you have seen before.
McCarraher, it is groundhog day!

The Chief provides an overview of the department's equipment and life expectancy with the replacement plans, how they are utilized and re-utilized for different roles before going away. In general terms, the fleet rotation exceeds the recommendations of national best practices.

The Fire Dept full FY 2010 budget proposal (both operating and capital) can be found here (PDF)

Prior portions of the meeting can be found here

and here

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