Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Live reporting - debt stabilization

Roche - question on the debt stabilization fund
Nutting - explanation of the fund's use; to help even out the annual debt amount.

(This was also covered in the Budget hearing in January 2010
http://franklinmatters.blogspot.com/2010/01/budget-workshop-collection-12510.html )

Roche - desires to keep one pool to avoid 'found' money, would like to close the account and roll the funds into the General Stabilization account
Nutting - Council would need a 2/3 vote to take out of one and put it into the other

Roche - would like to make a recommendation to close the account
Nutting - if you do this after this year, it would simply be less work and accomplish the same thing
I'd consider putting something from it against the fire truck. It think it should be given some discussion.

Roche - withdraws motion for recommendation

 Franklin, MA

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