Sunday, May 9, 2010

Town Council: Closing items

Old business
Powderly - update requested to families where elderly have deferred taxes, the rate is small and following what Franklin pays, but jumps up after a brief period to 16%. The incentive for the family is to pay it off quickly.

New business
Vallee - street opening bylaw, working very well, it is well enforced
if a company opens a street so far, then they should pave curb-to-curb
The MMA has sponsored some legislation that has been pending for 30 years (per Cerel)
Can we get a letter for the Council to sign to send to our legislators to request action on this?

Councilor Comments
Mason - addressing Council McGann's (who is absent tonight) mention at last meeting (Apr 28th) about bringing forth a presentation on Town waste, requesting Jeff to allocate time on the agenda to have this covered, this presentation if there is anything to it, needs to be addressed before the override.

Vallee - "there is no waste in this town"
as the meeting breaks, Vallee is heard to say, "if they find anything, they won't find much I'll tell you."

To hear the last seven minutes of the Town Council meeting as summarized above, follow this link to the on demand video

Franklin, MA

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