Monday, July 26, 2010

real time reporting - Planning Board

I tuned in to the broadcast via the Town website late to find a discussion already underway about a previously approved special permit for 59 units that was looking for advice on how to come back before the board to increase the 59 units by 1. Coincidently, the 60th unit was on the original plans and as part of some deal (not revealed during the discussion) came out of the final special permit that was approved. The development is progressing, triple units authorized have been built and sold. They are looking to make an existing planned (not built) duplex a triplex (as mention restoring one cut from the original plans).

This was interesting in that the Chair while recognizing that the advice was being looked for realized that since it was a special permit issued, the special permit process would have to be followed. The bylaw doesn't allow for modifications of an exiting special permit.

Some of the committee were interested in finding out how willing the developer would be in working with the Board to obtain an agreement. This persisted despite the Chair mentioning a couple of times that this type of discussion was not what we should be doing.

Really all the developer was asking is: "Hey, we have been here before, provided a whole passel of paperwork, now want to add one unit back to the plan. What paperwork do you need?"

All that needed to be said was "Whatever is required for the special permit."

Question: why was the unit cut from the original plans?
Question: why is the developer coming back for the 60th unit now?

Opened hearing for the Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Plan.
Beth Dahlstrom spoke that this is an update from the 2004 plan and required to be updated every five years by the state. (So it seems we are a year late? or does the clock run from the approval date not submittal date of the last one?)

She is looking for the Planning Board to recommend the plan.
The Board voted to approve the plan with no questions asked about the plan.

One of the members of the Board reminded the Chair that the hearing needed to be closed before voting. The Chair acknowledged that there were no members of the community present (TV camera panning of the Council Chambers revealed only the Milford Daily News reporter) so that there would be no questions from the audience. He asked for a motion to close the hearing. It was moved, second and passed unanimously.

The Chair asked for a motion to vote on the planning document, it was moved, seconded and voted upon unanimously.

The meeting moved to adjourn immediately after.

Franklin, MA

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